Thursday 13th June Chiang Rai, Thailand

Chiang Rai, ThaialandWhat is the best part about a three hour bus ride by yourself? Trick question. It was supposed to be three hours but was really closer to five. If you get on a bus and all you see are monks and soldiers, you are probably on the sloooooow bus. But anyway, here I am in Chiang Rai. As my visa is about to expire I felt like it might be a good idea to cross borders and get a new one. The city is actually pretty nice. They do a little night market and they also sell a lot of tea… mmmmm…. Tea.North Hotel, Chiang Rai, Thailand

Also my hotel room turned out to be really nice. It even has a shared deck. The naked man drinking beer was included for free!



Chiang Rai, Thailand

Also, Chiang Mai seems to be the place to be if you are an older gay European man (see naked man on porch.) I am not sure what that is about, but just in case any of you were interested I just thought I would give you a little heads up.

Well, it is off to Laos tomorrow.

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